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Wiadra z atestem PZH, o różnych kształtach, kolorach i pojemnościach, przeznaczone do pakowania ryb, owoców, warzyw, farb, itp. Pojemniki o różnych kształtach, kolorach i pojemnościach. Przeznaczone do pakowania ryb, owoców, warzyw, lodów, itp. Technologia wtapiania etykiet pozwala otrzymać trwale i estetycznie oznakowane produkty.
Buckets of the PZH seal of approval, about different shapes, colours and capacities, intended to pack fish, fruits, vegetables, paints, etc. Containers about different shapes, colours and capacities. They are holding the PZH seal of approval. Intended for packing fish, fruits, vegetables, ice-cream, etc. The technology of setting labels lets receive products permanently and aesthetically marked.
Buckets of the PZH seal of approval, about different shapes, colours and capacities, intended to pack fish, fruits, vegetables, paints, etc. Containers about different shapes, colours and capacities. They are holding the PZH seal of approval. Intended for packing fish, fruits, vegetables, ice-cream, etc. The technology of setting labels lets receive products permanently and aesthetically marked.
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